Biomechanical / Gait Analysis

What is a Biomechanical / Gait assessment

Trying to understand the pain caused by biomechanical dysfunction involves understanding the whole of the kinetic chain however as the foundations of the body, the feet play a substantial part. From their perspective, gait analysis is concerned with how the Sub Taylor joint (ankle joint) translates the internal or external rotation of the lower leg to pronation or supination in the foot. The understanding of the relationship between lower limb function and pain has changed over time. Root theory, Sagittal Plane Facilitation Theory, Subtalar Joint Axis Location and Rotational Equilibrium Theory, and the Tissue Stress Model are all methods to describe this relationship.

How we measure Gait / biomechanical dysfunction

We have invested in one of the latest pressure / gait analysis systems, we have the latest non-intrusive 3D scanning equipment and we have amazing postural analysis scanners; however The goal of the practitioner is not to use every piece of equipment in their armoury, but to understand the underlying pathology of the pain. we find the most important element when doing an assessment is talking to our clients and carrying out a full physical examination. We are all guilty of being awed by the latest electrical wizardry but at the Footmap clinic our aim is to truly understand why our patients are biomechanically compromised and how we can help to make them better.

Implications of misalignment

Gait analysis is a powerful method to identify pathomechanical dysfunction, and by using it we can help correct the underlying pathology. Biomechanical dysfunction is associated with issues such as Achilles tendonitis, bunions, bunionets, corns, hammer toe, plantar fasciitis, over pronation, runners knee, hip pain, shoulder pain, and neuromas. At our Footmap clinics we try and coordinate the different treatment options to best help your issue. Our  Foot Health practitioners, Osteopath and dietician all have a part to play we even have a link with a sports retailer so we’re even able to ensure you get the correct footwear to improve your gait and help you reach your personal goals.

Cost of a Biomechanical assessment

A full assessment can take up to one hour and we normally charge £150, however if the assessment is done at our clinics in any Altimus store it is subsidised by the store and you can have one free of charge. The cost of hardware can vary, and our associates will help you decide which option is the best for you.

Knee braces: £45 – £300 :OTC Orthotics : £55 – £195: Custom Orthotics : £155 (thermoplastic), £395 (plaster cast), £695 (Jelly bath), £1100-£1700 (full treatment plan) : Running Trainers: £95 – £225


Your practitioner will carry out an assessment to determine where the underlying problem is.
Your practitioner will ask you about your medical history and lifestyle and about any pain you may be getting.


Your practitioner will determine whether the problems can be dealt with inhouse or if you need to be referred


Dependant upon your treatment plan, we may be able to start the treatment plan on the same day
Treatment plans can significantly alter how you stand or walk so we book you in for a six month re-assessment

Book an Appointment




Your practitioner will carry out an assessment to determine where the underlying problem is.
Your practitioner will ask you about your medical history and lifestyle and about any pain you may be getting.


Your practitioner will determine whether the problems can be dealt with inhouse or if you need to be referred


Dependant upon your treatment plan, we may be able to start the treatment plan on the same day
Treatment plans can significantly alter how you stand or walk so we book you in for a six month re-assessment

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