Electromagnetic therapy is a treatment in which pulses of electromagnetic energy are directed at areas of pain via a probe, body mats, or spot applicators. The wave of the electromagnetic pulse is between 1Hz—10,000Hz, depending on the intensity that is required. At these low frequencies the electro-magnetic wave has a low ionisation power, and does not pose any threat.
In the body, metallic ions are used in the nervous system in order to send impulses across synapses. The magnetic field from the electromagnetic wave interacts with the ions in cells to change how they move around the body. The effects of electromagnetic radiation were initially studied by NASA in order to find a way of keeping astronauts safe when they were on missions. After further research by Columbia university, the therapy became FDA approved in 1979.
Since 1979,the healing effects of this technology have been praised in many academic writings. In
“PEMF, The Fifth Element of Health”, Bryant.A.Myers writes of the benefits of Electromagnetic therapy. He writes that as a result of electromagnetic therapy, patients see “improving ATP production, increasing oxygenation, enhancing circulation, promoting hydration, facilitating detoxication, and gaining a better overall absorption of nutrients.”
Electromagnetic therapy has also been found to solve many problems that a patient may face. Electromagnetic therapy has been found to:
Electromagnetic provides temporary pain relief to patients and should be used in conjunction with long term strategies to alleviate pain.
A session of therapy consists of a check up to determine the patients medical history and see if there are any contraindications with this therapy. Whilst electromagnetic therapy is very safe in the vast majority of cases it is not recommended for those who have a pacemaker or for pregnant women. Whilst the therapy is being given the patients will feel a mild tingling sensation as pain is relieved and blood flow improved.
The side effects of this treatment are minimal, although some patients may experience nausea or dizziness.
Your practitioner will analyse the symptoms that are present, and will then decide if electromagnetic therapy will be appropriate.
Therapy will then start, and the patient will begin to heal and their physical conditions will improve
Therapy will then start, alongside other treatment plans and their physical condition will improve.
Therapy will continue until the pain stops, with the average course of treatment lasting between 16 to 20 sessions
Your practitioner will analyse the symptoms that are present, and will then decide if electromagnetic therapy will be appropriate.
Therapy will then start, and the patient will begin to heal and their physical conditions will improve
Therapy will then start, alongside other treatment plans and their physical condition will improve.
Therapy will continue until the pain stops, with the average course of treatment lasting between 16 to 20 sessions